In Her Unhinged Era

When an abrupt change in life circumstances gives you the chance to reboot your life, important decisions must be made. Will you start a new and unlikely career? An MLM? Will you date? Start a long term relationship? And, most importantly, will you start wearing an ostentations accessory to advertise your unbalanced mental health? I... Continue Reading →

I Love You, Man

A woman needs good friends. Female friends will take your side and threaten violence on whomever wrongs you. They tell you how to style those trendy overalls so you don't look like a farmer. They have personal recommendations for the best nail techs and dermatologists. They can more acutely understand the lives of other women,... Continue Reading →

A Small Slice of Grief

The holidays were hectic, and bled into January with family arriving to celebrate a third Christmas, followed by preparations for my daughter's birthday (2/2) and my husband's birthday (2/14). And then my grandmother died. It's become a sort of bleak tradition that I write something when there is a death in the family. My paternal... Continue Reading →

One Stitch, Two Stitch, Head Stitch, Blue Stitch

I have two sons who have been locked in the house with each other for an entire year. They haven't seen their friends, been to Kung Fu class, been in school, or to a public playground since the world fell apart. Things are getting wild over here. The boys' arguments are starting to get more... Continue Reading →

Grandma’s Palate

At some point in every woman's life, she has the sudden realization she has become her mother. Whether it's choosing sensible shoes, or repeating a saying of Mom's without thinking, it will happen eventually. Sometimes we are pleased to be modeling our mothers, and sometimes alarmed. For me, I remember informing my children that "the... Continue Reading →

Carry the Load

Last weekend I flew to Austin from El Paso for my grandmother's ninety-third birthday. El Paso is truly a wonderful city with everything I need, except my family. We usually only make the trek to Austin for major family events like weddings and baptisms, and Grandma is understandably overwhelmed with crowds and lots of lively... Continue Reading →

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