Give Her a Project

Crossfitters and athletes cannot help but attempt a new skill for beefcakes as soon as they see it on social media. Push-up challenge? Balancing while lifting? New kind of one-legged squat? They've got to put themselves to the test right away. To get me on my feet and feeling a little competitive, show me a... Continue Reading →

In Her Unhinged Era

When an abrupt change in life circumstances gives you the chance to reboot your life, important decisions must be made. Will you start a new and unlikely career? An MLM? Will you date? Start a long term relationship? And, most importantly, will you start wearing an ostentations accessory to advertise your unbalanced mental health? I... Continue Reading →

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

I had every intention of writing something witty and profound, but you'll just have to take my word for it. It would have been hilarious/touching and the best post I've ever published, but we have been a tad distracted. Two weeks ago, we had torrential rain that flooded significant sections of the county. We had... Continue Reading →

I Love You, Man

A woman needs good friends. Female friends will take your side and threaten violence on whomever wrongs you. They tell you how to style those trendy overalls so you don't look like a farmer. They have personal recommendations for the best nail techs and dermatologists. They can more acutely understand the lives of other women,... Continue Reading →

That Ship Has Sailed

First you divide up time with your children, then you split your belongings, but who gets custody of your friendships? Having met many divorced people roughly my age in the last six months, the division of friends varies, depending on your situation. As with assets, any friends you had coming in to the relationship remain... Continue Reading →

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